We always try to provide complete and satisfactory Microwave Remote Sensing research and study facilities by installing high-precision instruments for simulation, fabrication, measurement, and applications for Nationwide and International research. We always aim for higher science and technology to realize microwave sensors for unmanned aerial vehicles and microsatellites. These satellites will investigate the relationship between ionospheric phenomena and global land deformation. We hope to reduce the number of victims of earthquakes by monitoring the earthquake precursor using our microsatellites. If you plan to hold a joint national or international research with our laboratory, please don’t hesitate to contact Prof. Josaphat.
Satellite Ground Station (人工衛星管制用地上局)
Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (JMRSL) operates a satellite ground station with a frequency of S-band for command and telemetry and X-band for data mission downlink with a diameter of 3.5 m. This facility was built with the support of The Japan Ministry of Education and Technology and Chiba University (PI: Prof Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, FY2013-FY2016)
当研究室が人工衛星管制用地上局をSバンド(コマンドとテレメトリ用)とXバンド(ミッションデータのダウンリング 用)を運用しています。アンテナの直径が3.5mであります。この設備が文部科学省と千葉大学の支援によって、研究代表ヨサファット教授が2014年12 月22日に設置されました。
Anechoic Chamber for Microwave Measurement (マイクロ波測定用電波無響室)
Our anechoic chamber could operate in the frequency range of 1 to 40 GHz (microwave) and size L6.6 x W4.0 x H2.4m. You could employ this facility for radio wave environmental tests, scattering experiments, antenna and microwave instruments, spaceborne instruments, etc.
This facility was built with the support of The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research / Kagakukenkyuhi 2007 – Young Scientist (A) (No. 19686025), Development of circularly polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar to generate a high precision image (PI : Prof Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, FY2007-FY2009)
当研究室の電波無響室が周波数1~40GHz(マイクロ波)の範囲で使用可能で、寸法長6.6×幅4.0×高2.4mです。 この設備が電波環境試験、散乱実験、アンテナ・マイクロ波装置の試験、宇宙用装置の試験などに活用できます。この設備が研究代表ヨサファット教授によっ て、日本学術振興会からいただいた科学研究費若手研究(A)(No. 19686025)で構築されたものです。ヨサファット先生が当センターに配属になったときにはじめて構築したもので、これから様々なマイクロ波センサ、 小型衛星などの開発に必要不可欠なもので、まさにこれから歴史をつくるために必要な設備のひとつでございます。
Radar Calibration System / Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ground Test Measurement Systems (レーダカリブレーションシステム・合成開口レーダ地上測定システム)

Josaphat Laboratory collaborate with Device Corporation to develop our original radar calibration system to test our synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system, including hardware test and ground image signal processing. This system could move horizontally with 0.1mm precision. We employ this system for point target generation etc. This project is supported by Japanese Government National Budget (Special Budget for Project) FY 2013, “Integrated Earth Environment Diagnosis Program : Continental Scale Land Deformation Observation using Small Satellite Constellation,” PI: Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, 1 April 2013 – 31 March 2017.ヨサファット研究室がデバイス社と協力をいただき、当研究室の合成開口レーダ(SAR)の地上実証実験用の装置を開発しました。このシステムに よって、ポイントターゲットによる実験、ハードウェアまたはRFシステムの実験、SAR画像信号処理などの実験をすることができます。このシステムが 0.1mmの制度で動作することができます。このシステムが、文部科学省の平成25年度の概算要求(研究代表者:ヨサファット教授)で構築しました。
High Precision Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Microsatellites Components Manufacturing Machine (合成開口レーダ・小型衛星素子の高精度加工機)
Josaphat Laboratory has a high precision (+- 5 micron meters) microwave device manufacturing machine to develop our original synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and microsatellite components. This project is supported by the Japanese Government National Budget (Special Budget for Project) FY 2013, “Integrated Earth Environment Diagnosis Program: Continental Scale Land Deformation Observation using Small Satellite Constellation,” PI: Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, 1 April 2013 – 31 March 2017.
Large Scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (JX Series) (大型無人航空機(JXシリーズ)

Josaphat Laboratory developed Josaphat Laboratory Experimental Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). We plan to develop four UAVs in the JX Series for ground tests of L, C, X, and Ku bands UAVs in the future. We have already realized that JX-1 and JX-2 are in progress. JX-1 and JX-2 will be used for tandem missions of UAV SAR experiments shortly. This JX series is employed for the ground test of several sensors before we install them on our microsatellites. This project is supported by several research grants, including the Japanese Government National Budget (Special Budget for Project) FY 2013, “Integrated Earth Environment Diagnosis Program: Continental Scale Land Deformation Observation using Small Satellite Constellation,” PI: Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, 1 April 2013 – 31 March 2017.
Microwave Measurement Systems (マイクロ波測定システム)
Agilent PNA Vector Network Analyzer E8364C (10 MHz to 50 GHz) ネットワークアナライザ
Agilent E5062A (ENA-L RF Vector Network Analyzer) 300kHz ~ 3 GHz ネットワークアナライザ
Network Analyzer for scattering test of vegetation ( ~ 12 GHz) ネットワークアナライザ
Agilent EXA Signal Analyzer N9010A, 9 kHz – 3.6 GHz シグナルアナライザ
Agilent Vector Signal Generator N5182A, 100 kHz – 3 GHz 信号発生器
Oscilloscope RTO 1044 Rohde & Schwarz オシロスコープ
Dielectric Probe Kit 85070E, 200 MHz to 20 GHz 比誘電率測定器
UV Illuminator for large Microstrip Antenna Fabrication マイクロストリップアンテナ加工機
Corner reflector for L band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Lバンド合成開口レーダコーナーリフレクター(CR) (Supported by Prof Kazuo Ouchi)
Standard Antennas (標準アンテナ)
Open Boundary Quad Ridged Horn (2 Units) 直線偏波アンテナ
Conical Log-Spiral Antennas 3102L and 3102R (LHCP and RHCP) 円偏波アンテナ
High Precision Geodetic Leica GPS1200 (3 units) 高精度測量用GPS